Silver Fish Control

Silver Fish thrive in damp conditions. It is rather silly therefore to apply a wet insecticide to kill silverfish, certainly in the initial stages of control measures. The first sensible thing to do is to try to dry the house thoroughly if this is possible. Insecticidal dust then needs to be applied to all cracks and crevices. Diatamaceous earth is also a very useful product to apply in liberal quantities. We were recently called into deal with a big Silver Fish problem, one that several other pest control companies had failed to deal with to any acceptable degree. We succeeded, using dusts and diatamaceous earth, to the point that over the past month only a very few live Silver Fish have appeared in the house instead of dozens every day before. The moral of the story here is dryness,these creatures cannot survive in dry conditions. Dry insecticides etc need to be used to deal with them, inside the house at any rate. If they are living in the walls ouside, a soluble dust insecticide would be a sensible choice to spray on the walls. Some companies will tell you that Silver Fish cannot be controlled. This is bunkum. It just needs a little thought and application.

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