Moth Control

There has been a lot of mention in the press about moth infestations. There are more moths about this year than in past years. We have heard of people who have got rid of their carpets as they could not control carpet moths with products bought off the shelf in shops and the internet. This is rediculous, both carpet and clothes moths can be effectively controlled by the use of appropriate insecticides. Products with a good residual ability need to be used  to kill adults, larvae and eggs when they hatch. These are carried by most professional pest controllers. The cost of treatment may well be less that expected and it will be condiderably less that the cost of new carpets. Get professional advice, you may be very surprised at what you hear. We recently and sucessfully dealt with a carpet moth infestation in a small flat for £75 when the occupier had spent about £70 on DIY products to no avail. He was extremely surprised at the cost for having it done prfessionally with a guarantee and annoyed at the fact that he had wasted as much and got nowhere. Enough said.

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