pigoen proofing and magpie trapping

We have been doing lots of work doing bird spiking and cleaning off guano in Gloucester and Swansea lately. We have also had to put out a larsen trap, bait it and have caught the first Magpie to be used as the call bird to attract more. Magpies know what other magpies do ( steal eggs and chicks from nests) and will not tolerate another magpie anywhere near the site they want to nest in. They will come to the trap and try to drive the captive bird away and in the process get caught themselves.

We have been doing a lot of rat work, mole trapping and rabbit shooting as well over the past couple of weeks as well as 3 cases where moths have been eating carpets in Cheltenham, Gloucester and at Bourton on the Water. Work is certainly picking up now.

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