Flea and Bed Bug Control in Cheltenham and Gloucester

In the last 2 weeks we have carried out several Flea and Bed Bug jobs in Cheltenham and Gloucester. We have come upon the first Human Flea case in a long time and in conjunction with medical help for the client, we are scheduled to deal with this next week. Rats and mice are still being a problem all over the County but their impact should lessen as it gets warmer and more food becomes available in the wild.  Carpet Beetles are becoming more of a problem in some areas lately and this is hard to fully understand. One case we have is where there are no carpets but these beetles are everywhere and their larvae are eating their way through the client’s clothes. We still have several mole trapping jobs going on but this seem to go on over most of the year. There is more bird proofing, netting, spikes and gel to do so it is still quite busy.

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